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Elly Helcl

Another one no longer on Amazon...

Blood Lust and The Slayer - Vanessa Lockley

 Wow...this one is bad...I DNF'd it... my highlights...



There was a blood curdling screech as the buggy bounced off rocks and speed bumps.


This is set back in the 1800's...maybe earlier...Speed bumps?



"What have it old you about visitors, I don't want visitors!"

Self explanatory...if I have to explain it, this is the book for you....



"Well, I think it is just about time for a bet, what about you sis?" Sequin asked.

Well...I think the author meant bed...


I made it to about 35 percent before I decided I was wasting my time...


And happy happy joy joy! It's no longer available for sale!